AI Communication Coach

Transform your communication skills and expand your influence.

Get private feedback and personalized insights on how you communicate. Refine interpersonal skills and achieve social success!

10x Increase in audience engagement

Uncover the hidden insights from your meeting recordings

  • Remote workers often struggle to connect and influence others in online meetings, as they cannot read body language easily. This can lead to misunderstandings and negatively affect their achievements.
  • mirro analyzes meeting recordings to pinpoint emotional key moments. It coaches to build better meeting managements kills and handling difficult conversations professionally.
  • mirro coaches powerful interpersonal skills and tracks your progress over time.

Take the guesswork out of creating captivating media for your audience

  • Creating engaging content for an audience is no easy task. An average influencer spends about 5-6 hours a week creating content, and around $150 per post. Yet only 7-15% of content created by influencers truly resonates with their audience.
  • mirro acts as a stand-in for the audience and reports how the audience will perceive the media content. mirro gives frame-by-frame actionable tips to improve audience engagement.
  • Scenarios: Media post , Pitches, Sales calls, Online meetings and Interviews.
  • All languages: Analyzes all human languages and cultures.
  • Powerful dashboards and auto-generated training and coaching material
