Mood Analyzer

Delegate ‘call recording listens’ to mirro, and review 100 calls in 20 minutes.
Your team gets communication coaching, and you reach KPI goals faster.

AI Coach

Get private feedback and personalized insights on how you communicate. Refine interpersonal skills and achieve social success! Upload video resumes, pitches, YouTube links, or meeting recordings.

Mindful Meet

 Be aware of key moments as they happen during the online meeting. Know when to speak up and when to listen. Get live tips to tactfully approach difficult conversations, and secure successful outcomes.

Interested in custom solutions for your organization?

mirro fits perfectly with sales, recruiting, and training workflows. Understand customer behaviors and raise employee effectiveness in handling difficult situations.
Connect us through Microsoft’s Azure MarketPlace to get the best deal on a custom solution.

22+ distinct perceptions
to help you see how your media
can be perceived.
